BM&M Mechanical Screening Equipment
Our screening equipment provides unparalleled reliability, versatility, and performance for a wide range of industries and applications. Whether you are screening rocks, minerals, forest products, agricultural products or bulk powders, BM&M mechanical screening equipment and industrial sifting equipment will provide the services your application requires.
The original design that disrupted the industrial separation market.
CS Model
Greater screening speeds and larger strokes. The Super Screen offers more than conventional gyratory machines can.
Super Screen
Highest capacity. Perfect for grain and agriculture. This machine features BM&M's highest capacity while maintaining a compact footprint.
Multi-Deck Screen
More volume in a smaller footprint.
CounterFlow CS Model
High efficiency and capacity in a small footprint. This gyratory screener gets the job done without taking up additional space.
CounterFlow Super Screen
Highest capacity. This machine features BM&M's highest capacity for industrial applications while still maintaining a compact footprint.
Super-Deck Screen
Critical quality information for any chip producer. Analyzes chip length and thickness.
Chip Classifier
Wood chips. This wood chip feeder provides even and consistent feed rates with full width distribution across the entire width of a screen.
Chip Feeder
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There is just nothing hard to change on a BM&M. It's so easy to grease and replace the hangers; and even if you have the re-line the doors (due to abrasion), it is quick and easy.
General Manager
Grain Export Facility, Vancouver